Made For Now Series : Interlude

These series are geared towards encouraging the youths of today to channel their inert energies towards thinking for tomorrow standards.

We are constantly moving towards the era whereas youths of today are only meant for now……not equipped for tomorrow and definitely imbalanced and deficient for the future.

These series were born out of my sordid reflections of what might have been had we the right-minded youths in place. I ponder on what would have been if we also had energized and vibrantly inclined youths who were capable of pushing sustainable goals for the future. I have wondered aloud if a day would come when my mates, my peers, my classmates, and my friends would grace the corridors of power and make the necessary input required of them. Those days are fast dwindling..days that I would have expected a retinue of commands per policy driven initiatives that actually reflect the yearnings of the people…..Days that would have counted as having met sustainable millennial goals.

As a young man, I had a prayer and only one prayer….”God, please let one of my friends or any relative get into the corridors of power”..This prayer was not a unique one as each and everyone that I knew probably wished for same. It was a prayer answered if you knew “who knew who knew the sister to the personal assistant to the special assistant”……a knock away or an ear close to the heartbeat of the largess was good enough.

These prayers did not mean much to me anymore. I had outgrown these prayers. I had also evolved over time. I had over time had a rethink and positively without bias, looked at candid reasons I and everyone else prayed such.

We All Wanted The Easy Way Out…….!!!!!!!

My youths and friends, however, were still frozen in time, they still engaged in fervent prayers that glorified “who knew who”…….an answered prayer hence came in having a share in the communal or national purse, garnering mouth watering and juicy contracts, securing bogus supplies, executing white elephant projects……..even peddling and trading ” quotations and proposals”…….so many more ways just to fleece the nation….

But alas, “the not too young to run” bill just got passed with the much-needed booster to aspirations as nurtured by us but yet very alarming at the non-readiness of my peers. We had lost steam even before the race started. In the famous words of my friend Enyioma Ikerionwu “Dance never start, you don dey break leg”

The gun had been let off, the youths in my part of the world are still with the starter pack, watching in awe as youths from other parts of the world are making giant strides in innovations with brazen might and vigor.

We are meant for today….

We were all groomed by default not to think farther than ourselves, we were groomed to fleece the nation that we cherish. We had in our DNA, a strand that promotes “grabbing of the commonwealth”, strands that influenced uncommon ideas and wants. We were bred to lurk at corners waiting for that opportunity at power ..just to enrich ourselves yet fail at standing up to the “youths: the leaders of tomorrow” mantra. We had been conditioned to accept mediocrity, we had been brainwashed not to move with the times. We would enrich ourselves at the slightest opportunities without the slightest thought of making meaningful impacts to the society in general. We were now experts in garnering and “cornering” millions in currencies without any meaningful change among millions of people that do need these impacts….

We are made for now…….

These series are minute reflections of mine as I wonder what went wrong among my peers. A reflection borne out of the present day postulations of my friends and age mates that have reached the corridors of my dream but yet shattered my expectations… My reflections will dig in, using present happening as a turnkey……

Lets go………..#1

Made for now: Four walls and a knockout…..A failed educational module……

coming next…..

It Matters Period

Uchenna Iwualla MD

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