Posts by Uchenna Iwualla
The Emperor's Cut, Only For Queens

The first call that came in was from the husband. He was very happy that the wife had given him a bouncing baby boy and was elated that wife was doing well till he popped the next question.          Doctor, how did she deliver? "omuru la onwe ya ?" "did she deliver by herself"..sounding very anxious rather than settled. I hadn't quite understood the reason for anxiety, after all , the baby had been born. That's what mattered. In this part of the world, people didn't call to ask about weight of baby, color of eyes, hair, or how tall baby was, people were more concerned about the way the baby came into the world. They wanted to know which route that he or she showed up in

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Educate A Girl, Empower A Nation

A little too late for majority of my aunties. My grandfather had married five wives with numerous kids. As recounted by my own dad, his father was considered wealthy by every standard. His satiety for marrying more than one wife was not only for his affluent status but for need to consolidate on the emergence of heir hopefuls. My dad had come after six or seven female outcomes. He needed male children to serve as able farmhands and sureties for continuity of land ownership. The females were then considered as assets and married off to consolidate on wealth and alliances

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